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German Translation Examples

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Example 1: German to English translation using NeuroTran translation software.

This example shows the capabilities of NeuroTran software, which are the best on the market. For any translation you can choose an alternative translation from a list that shows possible alternative translations. You can delete any word, switch word order and type your own translation for any word or phrase. All the translations you add are learned and saved in the user dictionary for later use. NeuroTran software is grammar aware and learns from the user which translations are the preferred user choice. The more you use NeuroTran the better it translates. For more information on NeuroTran please click on the image shown below.

German to English translation using NeuroTran

Example 2: English to German translation using NeuroTran translation software.

You can choose an alternative translation for any word or phrase and switch word order. NeuroTran software is grammar aware and it learns from the user. For more information on NeuroTran please click on the image shown below.

English to German translation using NeuroTran

Example 3: German to English translation using InteractiveTran translation software.

This example shows the document translation feature of InteractiveTran. InteractiveTran software can translate word-by-word and phrase-by-phrase. It can also be used as a dictionary and a spell checker, and you can also add any number of words in the user dictionary. InteractiveTran can be used to quickly understand any type of German text. For more information on InteractiveTran please click on the image shown below.

German to English translation (anim)

Example 4: English to German translation using InteractiveTran translation software.

This example shows the opposite direction of translation as compared to the previous example. When InteractiveTran translates a word it gives you a selection list with possible translations. In this example we chose the word "sehr schönes" instead of "sehr schon". You can add your own translations in the user dictionary. InteractiveTran can use your translation as the first choice the next time you translate the same word or phrase. In this way the more you use InteractiveTran the better it will translate. For more information on InteractiveTran please click on the image shown below.

English to German translation (anim)

Example 5: English to German translation using PalmTran translation software.

This example shows English to German translation using PalmTran translation software. For every word or phrase the user can select the most appropriate translation from the list of possible alternative translations. Then, by simply clicking the 'OK' button the user selects that translation. PalmTran runs on Palm OS (3.5 or higher) compatible hardware and supports 1600 language translation pairs. For more information on PalmTran please click on the image shown below.

English to German translation using PalmTran

Example 6: German to English translation using PalmTran translation software.

The example shows German to English translation as opposed to the previous example. All the features of PalmTran shown in this example are the same as in the previous example. PalmTran can be used not only for translating, but also for communicating with a person who does not speak your language nor do you speak their language. For more information on PalmTran please click on the image shown below.

German to English translation using PalmTran

About the German language

Germany map Countries where German is spoken:
  • Germany
  • Austria
  • Switzerland
  • Liechtenstein
  • Luxembourg
  • France
  • Belgium
  • Netherlands
  • Denmark
  • Italy
  • Poland
  • Czech Republic
  • Slovakia
  • Hungary
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • and some others.

German is spoken by more than 120 million people in Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and in parts of Belgium, Northern Italy and Eastern France. German is a key language in the European Union and the new economies of Central and Eastern Europe. Every 10th book worldwide is published in German language.

There are German speaking communities in Canada, US, South-America, South-Africa and Australia.

Due to its feudal history, unification and standardization of German language was not brought about till the 18th century when many outstanding writers (Goethe, Schiller...) took great pains to form the language.

Like English, German is a pluricentric language with three major national centers of language usage: Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Those varieties are not considered to be dialects, but are equally correct and acceptable in all contexts (media, legislature, education ...)

About the German grammar

German adjectives

An adjective is a word that modifies a noun. Adjectives can describe shape, color, size, and many other things about a noun.

German adjectives, like English ones, usually go in front of the noun they modify: "der gute Mann" (the good man), "das große Haus" (the big house/building), "die schöne Dame" (the pretty lady). Unlike English adjectives, a German adjective in front of a noun has to have an ending (-e in the examples above).

Just what that ending will be depends on several factors, including gender (der, die, das) and case (nominative, accusative, dative). But most of the time the ending is an -e or an -en (in the plural). With ein-words, the ending varies according to the modified noun's gender.

German adverbs

An adverb is an invariable word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Adverbs can provide additional information about time, manner, place, frequency, or quantity. They explain when, how, where, how often, or to what degree something is done.

There are three categories of adverbs and adverbial expressions in German: Time, Manner, and Place [Zeit, Art & Weise, Platz/Ort]. Adverbs in German do not have endings (unlike English, where many end in -ly)! Their place in word order is also different. It often occurs that a sentence begins with an adverb, typcially with adverbs of time.

Here are examples of adverbs and adverbial expressions:

TIME [Zeit] (wann/when? wie lange/how long?)

  • heute (today)
  • immer (always)
  • jetzt (now)
  • nie (never)
  • oft (often)
  • schon (already)
  • wieder (again)
  • damals (then)
  • früher (earlier)
  • früh (early)
  • spät (late)
  • meistens (most)
  • morgen (tomorrow)
  • morgens (in the morning)
  • täglich (daily)
  • bald (soon)...
MANNER [Art & Weise] (wie/how?)
  • gern ('to like')
  • leider (unfortunately)
  • anders (different)
  • pünktlich (on time)
  • sicher (certainly)
  • hoffentlich (hopefully)
  • besonders (especially)
  • fast (almost)
  • gleich (at once, immediately, the same)
  • natürlich (naturally)
  • schnell (fast, quick)
  • vielleicht (maybe)
  • schwer (heavy)
  • schwierig (difficult)
  • leise (quietly)
  • wirklich (really, indeed)
  • sehr (very)
  • ganz (rather, very)
  • ziemlich (rather, 'pretty')
  • regelmäßig (regularly)
  • gewöhnlich (usually)
PLACE [Platz/Ort] (wo/where? wohin/where to? woher/where from?)
  • hier (here)
  • da (there)
  • dort (there)
  • hin (back, 'to there')
  • her (forth, 'from here')
  • überall (everywhere)
  • rechts (right)
  • links (left)
  • geradeaus (straight ahead)
  • zu Hause (at home)

German conjunctions

Conjunctions provide a link between similar words or groups of words, such as nouns, verbs, people, etc.

There are two types of conjunctions in German: coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions.

Subordinating conjunctions introduce a dependent clause, coordinating ones coordinate clauses of the same type (two or more main clauses or two or more dependent clauses).

A. Coordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions coordinate clauses of the same type (two or more main clauses or two or more dependent clauses). There is no special word-order rule; the basic rules apply. The most common coordinating conjunctions are:

  • und (and)
  • oder (or)
  • denn (for, because)
  • aber (but)
  • sondern (instead)
B. Subordinating Conjunctions

  1. Subordinating conjunctions introduce a dependent clause.
  2. A dependent (subordinate) clause is one that requires a main (independent) clause to be fully understood.
  3. The conjugated verb is at the end of the dependent clause.
  4. A comma separates main and dependent clauses.
  5. The dependent clause may be the first clause in a structure. (Word order rules are here).
The most common subordinating conjunctions are:

  • daß (that)
  • wenn (when)
  • weil (because)
  • sobald (as soon as)
  • bis (until)
  • bevor (before)
  • nachdem (after)
  • als (when)
  • da (because, since [conditional])
  • seit/seitdem (since [temporal])
  • damit (so that)
  • ob (whether, if)
  • obwohl (although)
  • so daß (so that, as a result)
  • solange (as long as)
  • während (while, during)

German nouns

A noun is a word that represents a thing, whether that thing is concrete (e.g., a chair, a dog) or abstract (an idea, happiness).

German nouns are very easy to spot: they always begin with a capital letter! German is the only world language that capitalizes all nouns. Whether we are talking about a simple tree (ein Baum) or Deutsche Bank, any noun is capitalized in German.

The other important thing for English-speakers to understand about German nouns is the matter of gender. German nouns parallel he, she and it (er, sie, es) by also being masculine (der - DARE), feminine (die - DEE) or neuter (das - DAHSS). We can see the parallel very clearly by the ending letters for each article/pronoun: der = er, die = sie, das = es.

Although it is possible to know the gender of some German nouns, there is no better way than to simply learn each noun and its gender together. Don't just learn Baum (tree), learn der Baum (the tree)!

Der, die and das are the definite article, same as "the" in English. In German the definite article is much more important than it is in English. For one thing, it is used more often. In English we might say: "Nature is wonderful." In German, the article would be also be included: "Die Natur ist wunderschön." So knowing which article to use becomes even more important.

The indefinite article ("a" or "an" in English) is ein or eine in German. Ein basically means "one" and like the definite article, it indicates the gender of the noun it goes with (eine or ein). For a feminine noun, only eine can be used (in the nominative case). For masculine or neuter nouns, only ein is correct. This is a very important concept. It is also reflected in the use of possessive adjectives such as sein(e) (his) or mein(e) (my), which are also called "ein-words."

German prepositions

Prepositions are the little words that are placed in front of nouns in order to indicate a relationship between that noun and a verb, an adjective, or another noun.

Common prepositions in English/German include: in/in, to/zu, for/für, and with/mit. German prepositions fall into four categories, each governed by a particular case or cases: accusative, dative, dual (acc. or dat.), and genitive. Examples of prepositional phrases: auf dem Tisch (on the table), fürs Geld (for the money), im Wasser (in the water), mit seiner Mutter (with his mother).

German verbs

A verb is the action word in a sentence. It is the word that says what happens, discusses an action, or describes a state of being.

German and English don't always talk about the past in the same way. In English we use the past tense to say, "I used to live in Berlin," or "I lived in Berlin," if we no longer live there. As long as it was in the past, German also uses the past tense: "Ich habe in Berlin gewohnt," or "Ich wohnte in Berlin." (The first German sentence is in the present perfect, the second in the perfect/simple past/narrative past tense. The first is also known as the "conversational past.")

However, when we want to express, "I have lived in Berlin for 15 years," (and I still live there) in English, we use a present perfect construction ("have lived"), while German uses the present tense with "(schon) seit" to convey this idea: "Ich wohne schon seit 15 Jahren in Berlin," literally, "I live/am living since 15 years in Berlin."

The German verb "werden" is very versatile. It is used in many ways, and is thus a source of confusion for learners of German. By itself werden means "to become." Used with an infinitive (the "to" form) of another verb, werden forms the future tense: "Er wird den Brief schreiben." ("He will write the latter.") But used with a past participle, werden forms the passive voice: "Der Brief wurde von ihm geschrieben."

German uses both the passive voice and the future tense much less than English.

German also has many substitutes for the passive, often using the pronoun "man" (one/you/they; not to be confused with "der Mann"). German often uses an active construction such as, "Hier spricht man Deutsch," for "German spoken here," a passive construction in English.

Small German dictionary with the most frequent words

The format of this small English-German dictionary is as follows:

English_word, first_German_translation, second_German_translation, ..., last_German_translation

the, die, der, den, das, dem, des
of, über, von (+dat), von, des von, aus, bei, dessen
to, zu (+dat), zu, um, nach (dat), nach, in (+acc), bis zu, bis (+acc), auf, an, bei
and, und
a, ein, eine, einem, einen, einer, eines
in, in, rein (=herein, hinein), in (+dat), in (+acc), herein
for, als, denn, für, seit, zu, zu (+dat), um (+acc), für (+acc)
is, ist, lautet, sein, ist (er)
on, fort, bei (+dat), auf, an (+dat), an (+acc), an, anlegen, anstecken, antun, anziehen, aufsetzen, aufstreichen, auftun, bei, lästig, umbinden, umhängen, umlegen, veranstalten
I, ich
by, beim, durch, mit, neben, per, von, vorbei, von (+dat), um (+acc), per (+acc), mit (+dat), durch (+acc), bei (+dat)
this (one), diese
this, dieses, dieser, diese, denen, dies, diesem, diesen
with, mit (+dat), anhand (+gen), bei, mit, nebst, per
that (which), derjenige
that, jene, die, der, daß, das, damit, als, jener, jenes, weil
it, es, ihn, ihm, derjenige
you, Sie, man, ihr, ihnen, euch, du, Sie (2Pl)
be, sein, verhalten, werden, stehen, stecken, machen, liegen, lauten, herrschen, bestehen, befinden
at, am, an, auf, bei, in, mit, um, zu, über, aus, für, gegen, nach, von, vor, zu (+dat), um (+acc), bei (+dat), an (+dat)
all, alle, allem, allen, aller, alles, ganz, ganze
as, als, da, so, wie, während, weil, da, wo
or, oder auch, oder, beziehungsweise
from, ab, aus, nach, seit, vom, von, von (+dat), heraus, aus (+dat), ab (+dat)
are, bist, seid, sind, sind (wir), sind (sie), sind (*Sie), seid (ihr), bist (du)
an, ein, eine
not, nicht, gar nicht
your, ihrer, ihre, ihr, eure, euer, deine, dein
page, Seite (f), Page (m), auslagern, Seitenweise (f)
home, Heim (n), Heimat (f), Zuhause, Zuhause (n), nach Hause, heimatlich, heim, Elternhaus (n), Daheim (n), Asyl (n)
have, bekommen, besitzen, habe, haben, hast (du), habt (ihr), haben (wir), haben (sie), haben (*Sie), habe (ich), einlegen
no, null, nicht, nein, kein, keine
was, war (ich), war (er), war, wurde
new, neu, neue, neuen, neuer, neues
more, mehr, mehr weitere, eher, drüber, darüber
will, Wille (m), werden, Testament (n), möchte, werde, Wille (f), willen
about, bei, circa, etwa, gegen, herum, um, umher, ungefähr, über, in der Nähe, über (+acc), um (...)herum, cirka, über (+dat or acc)
us, uns
we, wir
if, falls, wenn, sofern, ob, insoweit als, insofern als
can, könnt (ihr), können (wir), können (sie), können (*Sie), können, Konservenbüchse (f), kannst (du), Kanne (f), kann (ich), kann (er), Kanister (m), Dose (f), Büchse (f)
one, man, Eins (f), eins, einer, einen, eine, ein, derjenige, eines
do (to (...), unterlassen
do, ausführen, hinkriegen, machen, tun, unternehmen, verrichten, tut (ihr), tust (du), tun (wir), tun (sie), tun (*Sie), tue (ich), treiben, schaffen, macht (ihr), machst (du), machen (wir), machen (sie), machen (*Sie), mache (ich), leisten, langen, anfangen, abschneiden
but, aber, jedoch, sondern, nicht allein, doch, dabei, Aber (n)
they, Sie, man
information, Aufschluß (m), Auskunft (f), Bescheid (m), Information (f), Unterrichtung (f), Orientierung (f), Benachrichtigung (f), Auskünfte (pl)
other, sonstig, anderweitig, andere, anderen, anderes, zusätzlich, ander
next, folgend, nächst, nächst-, nächste, nächsten, Nächster (m), nächstes, darauffolgend
site, Seite (f), Gelände (n), Aufstellungsort (m), Lage (f), legen, plazieren, Standort
up, rauf (=herauf), nach oben, hinauf, herauf, empor, auf, einpacken
our, unserer, unser, unsere
my, mein, meine
search, Suche (f), Suchaktion (f), Fahndung (f), erforschen, Durchsuchung (f), durchsuchen, absuchen, ausbaldowieren (coll.), Durchsucht (f), suchen
time (music), Takt (m)
time (of day), Uhrzeit (f)
time, Zeitrechnung (f), Zeit (f), stoppen, Mal (n), zeitlich, Zeitpunkt (n)
may, darf, dürfen, kann, mag, mögen, Mai, Mai (m), könnt (ihr), können (wir), können (sie), können (*Sie), können, kannst (du), kann (ich), kann (er)
has, hat, haben, hat (er)
what (?), was (?)
what, welches, welcher, was, welche, wie
which, welches, welcher, welche, die, der
he, er, derjenige
so, so, dermaßen, derart, also, darum, solchermaßen, wieso
here, hier, rein (=herein, hinein), hierher, herein, herbei, her, da
out, raus (=heraus, hinaus), hinaus, hervor, heraus, aus (+dat), aus, außerhalb, heraus hinaus
news, Nachrichten (pl), Neuen (pl), Neuigkeit (f), Kunden (pl), Botschaft (f)
web, Netz (n), Gespinst (n), Gewebe (n)
their, ihre, ihr
any (one, thing), beliebig
any, beliebig, beliebigen, eine, irgend, irgendein, jegliche
there, hin, dort, dahin, da, dorthin, hinzu
use, Verwendung (f), verwenden, nützen, nutzen, gebrauchen, Gebrauch (m), einsetzen, Einsatz (m), einlegen, brauchen, benützen, Benutzung (f), benutzen, begehen, befahren, ausnützen, Anwendung (f), anwenden, abfahren, aufwenden, belegen
back (of chair), Rückenlehne (f)